Compassionate, personalized care has a new name.
Daughters of Charity Health Centers is now DePaul Community Health Centers.

Please use messages for non-urgent communications only. If this is an emergency, please call 911.

DePaul Community Health Centers (DCHC) provides high-quality, affordable health care services for all, regardless of their ability to pay.

Medical Clinic's at Arkansas

Let our Virtual Care/Telehealth Patient Advocate help you prepare for your virtual/telehealth appointment AND navigate your patient portal!

Get assistance setting up your smart devices, understanding how to connect to your virtual/telehealth appointment and activating your patient portal.

  • Our Specialties
  • Our Services
  • Accreditations
Primary & Preventative Care
Women's Health
Infants & Children (WIC)
Behavioral Health
Medical Enrollment
DCHC achieved the highest level designation for quality standards of direct patient care by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) each year since 2009
  • Our Photos
  • Videos

healow kids

healow kids
Map embed goes here.

DePaul Community Health Centers

Medical Clinic's at Arkansas

Meet Our Doctors

Address: 161 South Main Street Dumas, AR 71639

Phone: 870-382-3080

Office Hours
Monday 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Connect on Social Media

Insurance Providers Accepted

Depaul Community Health Centers proudly accept Commerical Insurance, Medicaid and Medicare, cash and credit cards.

Other Locations

Wellness Center

405 South Gould Avenue
Gould, AR 71643


Gould - Medical & Dental

407 South Gould Avenue
Gould, AR 71643



145 West Waterman Street
Dumas, AR 71639



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Jane Dougherty


Our Patient Portal gives you secure online access to your health information

Patient Portal is a secure, convenient, and easy-to-use website that gives you round-the-clock access to your health information. View labs, medications, and immunization records. Get reminders. Exchange messages with your doctor. Stay informed and take charge of your health!

Here’s what you can do with our portal

View lab results
Book appointments online
Send & receive messages securely
Get statements and receipts online
Access health records
View doctors’ notes
Need help logging in? Call us at 870-382-3080

Online health access on your smartphone

Access your health record with the healowTM smartphone app. Along with the features you get with our Patient Portal, the healow app can manage multiple accounts (all family members), set medication and appointment reminders, and use trackers to help manage health. The healow app is a secure and convenient way to manage what’s important and puts YOU in control of your health.

healow is available free on the Apple app store and Google Play store

Download free healow smartphone app

Set up the healow smartphone app in four easy steps!

Step 1

Download the healow app from App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android Phone).

Step 2

Search for our practice by entering this unique code on the healow app - BADIBD.

Step 3

Enter your portal username and password.

Step 4

Enter your portal username and password.

Use this unique code to search our practice on the healow app

Practice Unique Code


Tools for Patients’ Convenience

  • Virtual Visits
  • Reminders & Notifications
  • healow Mom app
  • healow Kids app

We offer the convenience of healow TeleVisits!

When, why, and how to use healow TeleVisits
  • For convenient, quality care – at work, at home, or on the road
  • See your own physician for non-emergency and follow-up care
  • Avoid the expense of travel, time off from work, or hiring a babysitter
  • TeleVisits are easy – just use your smartphone, laptop, or PC

With Patient Portal you'll never forget your doctor's visit!

  • Receive messages in the mode you prefer — by Portal, app, email, or text.
  • View your personal health records and lab results, and request prescription refills and referrals.
  • Securely exchange messages with your provider, and view health education materials.

If you are not receiving reminders and notifications and wish to do so, please ask at our front desk.

healow Mom helps Moms-to-be...

  • Know what to expect throughout pregnancy
  • Make and track their own appointments
  • Track blood pressure, glucose levels, and more
  • Keep a journal throughout the pregnancy
  • Count baby kicks and time contractions
  • Prepare labor and birth announcements

Download free healow Mom smartphone app

healow Kids helps parents...

  • Monitor baby's feeding and growth
  • Track their kids' appointments
  • Help with toothbrushing and potty training
  • Know what immunizations are needed

Download free healow Kids smartphone app

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay to get access to the Patient Portal and healow app?

Access to our Portal and the healow app are completely free. We share this information with our patients to give them access to their health records and help them make better healthcare decisions.

Is having online access secure?

Yes, the information is completely secure. It is protected with a username and password / PIN number of your choice and through SSL encryption.

What can I access through the healow mobile app and Patient Portal?

We share information with our patients that we feel can help them and keep them informed. Every practice is different, and we try to provide patients with key information regarding their health. For a complete list of features, ask our friendly staff.

How do I sign up?

Sign-up is simple and outlined in the steps above. You should receive a username and password from our practice via email that you can print out and customize after your initial login. Access can be made via any web browser, or through the smartphone app.

What if I forget my username and/or password?

The app and our Portal allow you to reset your username and/or password. You can also call the front desk and we can reset the username and/or password for you.

What if I need technical assistance?

User support is built into the web portal and the app, or you can ask a member of our staff.

Awards of Excellence

Our “Patient-Centered Medical Home Model” has positioned us to garner recognition for providing safe and innovative health care. We’ve earned distinction from several entities and made several service improvements.

Advocacy Centers of Excellence

Ascension DePaul Services of New Orleans provides high-quality primary and preventive care services and is leading innovation in community health care by improving patient outcomes and the patient experience. Please visit us at one of our convenient locations. 

Health Center Locations

Wellness Center

DePaul Community Health Center

405 South Gould Avenue
Gould, AR 71643

Phone: 870-263-4748
Fax: 870-263-4233

Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday: 5:30 am - 7:30 pm
Closed Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays

Get Directions

Gould - Medical & Dental

DePaul Community Health Center

407 South Gould Avenue
Gould, AR 71643

Phone: 870-382-3080
Fax: 870-263-4782

Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 11:30 am

The clinic is open for everyone, even if you are not an established patient of DePaul Community Health Services.

Get Directions


DePaul Community Health Center

145 West Waterman Street
Dumas, AR 71639

Phone: 870-382-3080
Fax: 870-382-4895

Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 11:30 am

The clinic is open for everyone, even if you are not an established patient of DePaul Community Health Services.

Get Directions